Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Long time No hear

Hey to all! sorry i have been away. Life called and of course i had to answer. Its that time of year again...holidays. You notice the older you get, the faster time seems to fly. On the other hand, to kids, time seem to get slow around this time...hmmm. Now i know how my parent's felt. Sorry mama and daddy. lol!! I'm sitting here wrapped in my Snuggie and i ended up looking around my warm and cozy home and said to God, "thank you". I can't imagine, being anywhere else, New Orleans hanging with Reggie Bush, but that's another story....Wink. I'm thankful. Sometimes we can start thinking too hard and end up depressing ourselves thinking we could have had it better. You having it the way you supposed if you choose to go off your path, that's your fault. But guess what, as long as you breathing, you still have a chance to redeem everything that you wholeheartedly believe in. Me, I believe in first God, myself and my family. I will fight for all these causing and in the end, I will stand tall. I will.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Series of The Needs of a Woman

hi all! been out of commission for a minute, but i have been thinking a lot of things through and i realized until i get things in order in my own life, how can i help others. So i found a list of the Five Needs of a Woman and I'm going to put them in series.

1. Affection The one things a woman cannot do without is
-security, comfort and approval.

She looks for these things in a mate but the man that i realized we need to find these things in is God and then yourself. How will a woman know her self-worth if she don't value herself more than others do?

Look for the other four Needs of a Woman in this week to come. Stay blessed and Love ya!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Random Happiness

All i can say is lately i have been happy. Don't know if its the cupcakes or life in general. i will take the latter! Hope all is well with everyone. Live life like it is your last day on this earth. If its the cupcakes, I'm definitely going to have to find something else to give me this energy, because according to my family my butt is spreading. Can't let that happen! So................


Sunday, September 26, 2010

Working on Me

Lately, i have been letting the smallest things bother me. I realized why it is. I was losing my focus on what God have for me to do. Its so easy for us to do wrong and it takes all our energy to do good. As i look at my life i can say "it's good" Sometimes we dont see it and it takes for a friend to remind you. Thank God i have good friends. Not associates, friends. There is a difference. Back to what i was saying. I can't worry about the next person anymore. i will spare feelings being hurt, but me bottling mine up is hurting me. I woke up listening to Mary Mary "Cant Give Up Now". Helped me think. Then i read some scriptures for what i am dealing with. Hopefully it will help some and others.

He gives power to the weak, and to those who have no might He increases strength. even the young shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall, but those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength. they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. (Isiah 40:29-31)

When your pity party is over and you are ready for His help. Admit that you have fallen so that your healing can begin.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Been a while, yeah i know! Hope everyone is doing fine!!! It's allergy season for some (including me) so I don't be feeling like doing too much of anything. I'm just sitting here blogging about everything and nothing. A lot of things are about to come into play in my life and to be honest I'm so STOKED about it!! Can't wait to tell my sista girls about it! We three have been playing tag for a few days! It's funny how people you have not met in person but is bound by heart and spirit have such a positive impact on your life and sad but good to say, that they are more loyal than those you see on an everyday basis. But don't get me wrong, I still have my P. Butta!!!!! But I wanted to say, thank you to those who have an everyday impact on my world. Karen and Tanya! One day ladies, one day! MUAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, September 12, 2010


I have this friend, who i love very much. She is just as wacky as me, to be honest, I wouldn't mess with

her. She sent me a text cause I have been dealing with something we all have dealt and still may be

dealing with.....backstabbing women. Here is the text! Love you Kare Bear ((((((BIG HUG))))))Fake

friends never ask for food. Real friends are the reason why you have no food. Fake friends call your

parents mr/mrs. Real friends call your parents mom/dad. Fake friends bail you out of jail and tell you

what you did was wrong. Real friends would sit next to you sayin "Damn! We f****d up. But that shit

was fun"! ( I love that one) Fake friends have never seen you cry. Real friends cry with you. Fake

friends will leave you behind if thats what the crowd is doing. Real friends will kick the whole crowd

ass that left you. Fake friends are for a while. Real friends are for life. Fake friends will talk shit to the

person who talks shit about you. Real friends will know them the F*** out. Fake friends will ignore

this. Real friends will send this to all their real friends and hope to get it back. There is more, but you

know the deal. Its sad to say, I have more friends in twitter and only a few in this city! Love you my

girlies. You know You and You know This!

Letting Go

This day and age, a lot of people are going through different things in their life in many aspects. Me, myself am one. I had a friend who asked me to say something. I sat down with my bible and asked God to show me which one to say and how to say it. I based it on my life and actions. I know I'm not perfect, not even by a longshot, but i think I'm getting there. I always say " I'm a work in progress" funny huh? Each experience has its own value if you do not close your eyes to where you are , trying foolishly to be where you have already been. Life can feel unstable and vuneralbe, but know that God forever remain the same. Our faith teaches us to trust God. Leave the "hows" in His hands. Repent of manipulating those with whom you associate. Notice "associate" totally different from "friend". Let them go. Let yourself go. Never forget how to let go. It may be a person, thing or moment that you can NEVER repeat. But let go when you are at peace about it, because if you are not a peace, you were not ready to let go. Only you can decide when and how, with God's help, not man. Love ya!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Up and Down Day

Hey all! Hope everyone is enjoying their day! Because here it is dreary but i will make the best of it. today was a rollercoaster day. But considering the good women i have in my life outweighs the women i have to DEAL with in my life, it ended so far well! Thank you to my girls that make my world groovy!! Karen (KareBear) Monica (Grasshopper) Brand (Brandis) Cynthia (Mrs2B) Tanya (Tinkerbell) and Shani (Shani Wanni). Love you all much!!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

random photos

just wanted to show u some of my fave pics of me and some of my family! have a happy and safe labor day

Sunday, August 29, 2010


hey again. a friend asked me if i blog about marriage. couldn't remember if i did or didn't but i will now. i had to search for the right thing to say and look within my own marriage to give truth and my own experience. i have never said i was perfect and we always joke that it takes a strong person to deal with us, well for me, it does. so here is a scripture i hope will help some...

It's better to have a partner than go it alone
Share the work, share the wealth
And if one falls down, the other helps,
But if there's no one to help, tough!
Two in a bed warm each other.
Alone, you shiver all night.
By yourself, you're unprotected
With a friend (spouse) you can face the worst.
Can you round up a third?
A three-stranded rope isn't easily snapped.
Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

I took it that the three stranded rope is God, Husband and Wife.
Hold onto that person who has and always will be there. If i had to struggle and go through the things i have, God couldn't have picked a better man. I love my husband and i know for a fact that he loves me too. through thick and thin. believe me, we are living that! love you Karen, hope you like this!

hey all! been busy but just wanted to say hiya to all! i'm excited about the month of october! got things planned with the women's ministry at church to help promote breast cancer awareness. i had a scare three years ago and when you go through different things in life in so many aspects, you learn to live and appreciate the things that has been given to you. so, don't go looking at someone else's life and think that yours is worthless. everyone has a value on their life and i have learned to value mine to a high degree. love to you all!!!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

just a pic of a happy time

just wanted to post a pic of one of my fave nieces celebrating her sweet sixteen. she is so sweet and talented. trying to keep the boys at bay so they wont break her heart too soon. Love you tia!!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Random Thought

For some reason, i was in bed but felt the need to i got up out of that warm bed, started this computer up and sat down. A lot of times, i find myself sooo deep in thought and start thinking...."what if". I need to watch myself with that question. God may find a way for me to stop asking and i'm too scared to see what way he will do. But instead, i will focus on the good in my life....when i need someone to talk to and even though i didn't ask them, God sent me a person i had done wrong in my own way and they just made me feel better about my situation. they know who they thank you *wink* So i will leave you with a scripture that if you have this one small would be soo much more simple. Don't have it in man, have it in God.


Trust God from the bottom of your heart, don't try to figure everything out on your own. Prov. 3:5

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A Day to Myself

Hey Peeps!!

Hope all is well with everyone. I've been working hard and hadn't been on in a minute but just to enlighten you all with a few passages and words that sometimes help me through the day.

We must learn to thank God for who we are. Don't be a silly woman watching television and crying because she doesn't look like the girl who opened up the window in the game show. If God had you to look like that. He would made you like that.

Marriage is a ministry. There is much more involved in it than selfish fulfillment. Love is centered around giving, not taking. When you marry someone, you marry everything he is and everything he has been.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Time is Flying

hey all!!!

Can you believe it's almost two days till school start!! My kids are excited and I'm semi not ready! lol!! I will get back into the swing of things when my body get used to to you. Here is something to leave all you beautiful women with...God gave you the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit that is more valuable than any other outer form of jewelry. It is worth more than gold. It is more powerful than sexual ability!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Back On the Grind

Hey everyone!

Hope all your weekends were fun. Me, well I mostly relaxed because..........there wasn't anything else to do. Today I went back to work and must I say, I'm tired!! But a sista will not complain. To work, means to make money and the only way you can buy things is just with that, MONEY!! So now I'm gonna lie down and get some good night sleep, because I have to do today all over again tomorrow. I love you all who read my blog and I thank you. Hopefully I will be able to bring more to you as time goes on. Be blessed :)

Friday, July 23, 2010

Another Week and Another Chance at Life

Hey all!!

Hope everyone week went good and hope you all look forward to having a fun weekend! Not too many more days left in the summer before school kidding, I love my kiddies but they ran me this summer. I'm living my life to the fullest because I know I have been giving chance after chance. One thing I learned recently is God sees us as ungrateful when we tend to grumble and complain...let me hold my tongue more huh!? lol. But hey we are humans! So let me leave you with a little word of encouragement for the weekend.... Strong words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless{Mother Teresa} Love to you all and MUAH!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Making Wrongs Right

Hey All,

Had planned to walk 3 miles with my sister today, but she decided to pass at 5:30 this morning via text. That's okay, I'm gonna run her hard tomorrow lol! Today I was on twitter saying how I would right all those that I wronged, even if I really didn't. Why am I so good at trying to make things right with people, hope it don't make me a punk! LOL!! I have something that I read that made me right my wrongs and I'm gonna share them with you all. Love to you all that reads my blog and MUAH!!!

9 Ways to Grow Spiritual Truth

1. plant seeds of love
2. plant seeds of joy
3. plant seeds of peace
4. plant seeds of patience
5. plant seeds of kindness
6. plant seeds of goodness
7. plant seeds of faithfulness
8. plant seeds of gentleness
9. plant seeds of self control

Words by Stormie Omartian

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Goodmorning all!!

As i woke up this morning i had a good feeling about my day. I'm claiming my life again and it feels wonderful. God gives me tasks to go through in order for me to know how big and significant His power really is. I'm hoping as the time goes by that I will become more open to things and we all will be able to help each other. Sometimes the hardest thing for one to do is to look deep into themselves and realize their faults and take the time to correct them. Enjoy your day and live you life to the best of your ability! Love to all!

Monday, July 19, 2010

A Day in the Life of Me: View all Memphis events on Eventful

A Day in the Life of Me: View all Memphis events on Eventful: "View all Memphis events on Eventful"

Demand Kourtney and Khloe in Memphis!
Kourtney and Khloe in Memphis - Learn more about this Eventful Demand

View all Memphis events on Eventful

My first day

Hi All!!
welcome to my page. i hope not to bore you too much, just starting out. i will try my best to give you a day by day account on the ups and downs that we as women face everyday. so to all the mothers, sisters, wives and friends. i hope to relate to you (which im sure i will) and help you as you help me at the same time. love to all. MUAH