Sunday, September 12, 2010

Letting Go

This day and age, a lot of people are going through different things in their life in many aspects. Me, myself am one. I had a friend who asked me to say something. I sat down with my bible and asked God to show me which one to say and how to say it. I based it on my life and actions. I know I'm not perfect, not even by a longshot, but i think I'm getting there. I always say " I'm a work in progress" funny huh? Each experience has its own value if you do not close your eyes to where you are , trying foolishly to be where you have already been. Life can feel unstable and vuneralbe, but know that God forever remain the same. Our faith teaches us to trust God. Leave the "hows" in His hands. Repent of manipulating those with whom you associate. Notice "associate" totally different from "friend". Let them go. Let yourself go. Never forget how to let go. It may be a person, thing or moment that you can NEVER repeat. But let go when you are at peace about it, because if you are not a peace, you were not ready to let go. Only you can decide when and how, with God's help, not man. Love ya!

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