Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Been a while, yeah i know! Hope everyone is doing fine!!! It's allergy season for some (including me) so I don't be feeling like doing too much of anything. I'm just sitting here blogging about everything and nothing. A lot of things are about to come into play in my life and to be honest I'm so STOKED about it!! Can't wait to tell my sista girls about it! We three have been playing tag for a few days! It's funny how people you have not met in person but is bound by heart and spirit have such a positive impact on your life and sad but good to say, that they are more loyal than those you see on an everyday basis. But don't get me wrong, I still have my P. Butta!!!!! But I wanted to say, thank you to those who have an everyday impact on my world. Karen and Tanya! One day ladies, one day! MUAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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