Monday, June 23, 2014

It Has Been So Long!!!

Hey All!! It has been a very long time since I have talked to you!! So much has happened in my life in these past few years, which is more than likely considering how long it has been since I have posted. I hope to have more of you to join as I go through this journey called life and am looking forward to a prosperous future...Big changes are happening and I want to take you all along on my journey! Be blessed!!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Hey all...
Lately, I have been dealing with some issues. I talked to friends who I know love me, but I forgot that one friend who will always be there with me Jesus.. I was sitting in my car today, waiting for my husband because I had brought him lunch...and i looked down and saw my bible. With that I decided to read a few scriptures...and many times words are said to me and by me....And when I look back on how I used to be, I pray to be that kindhearted woman again, but because of the hard heart of man, they tend to turn a good person bad....but only if that good person is weak enough. I admit, I fell weak. Proverb 12:19 says,"Truthful lips endure forever, but a lying tongue last only a moment."....meaning telling the truth, you don't have to think of a lie, but tell a lie will last only a second because you can't keep them together long. Proverbs 14:9 reminds me of someone I know very well, not that I'm passing judgement it's how I feel. "Fools mock a making amend for sin, but goodwill is found among the upright." ...I took that as, not to constantly remind a person of their mistakes, because all of us have made them. But if that person has made amends with God, mocking them is silly, because he who has sinned cast the first stone..... Love to you all.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Random Thinking

I sitting here..and watching my three kiddies play in the backyard. And the feeling of happiness comes over me...God has blessed me with something that has no limit....Joy.When you find that area in your life, hold on to it. On those days when it seems like there is no hope, remember where you found that PIECE of Joy and you will find that PEACE of Mind

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Goodmorning! I woke up today with so much happiness....and a headache, but that's okay too! Lately I have been figuring out whats important to me and I'm extremely thankful for those special people in my life! But I know that without the help of God, I would be lost so first and foremost I first give honor to Him. A friend told me, that we are not perfect and even when we falter, we repent and is forgiven. Thanks Nita. Another friend, who i may add, helps me in every aspect of my life, pushes me, even when I don't want to..Thanks Kay. Then there's that friend who speaks it and that is it, only cause she truly care about you and don't want to see you hurt...Thanks Tink. But most of all I'm thankful for those people who have been in my life through it all! My mom, dad, sisters, brothers (where ever they butts may be lol) husband and my kiddies, shoot even my dogs! I love you all and I'm glad ya'll are in my world.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Long Time No Hear

Hi all!
Im sure you all have forgotten about me....i had forgotten i even had this to pour my feelings out on. So im gonna at least try to come at least a few times a week or you never know...maybe once a day....things have been going on in my life but im happy to say, im seeing things clearer and much better. thankful for the group i have in my life and i know now, that you can't call everyone your friend...they have to earn your friendship and vice enjoy the rest of the day and be blessed

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Long time No hear

Hey to all! sorry i have been away. Life called and of course i had to answer. Its that time of year again...holidays. You notice the older you get, the faster time seems to fly. On the other hand, to kids, time seem to get slow around this time...hmmm. Now i know how my parent's felt. Sorry mama and daddy. lol!! I'm sitting here wrapped in my Snuggie and i ended up looking around my warm and cozy home and said to God, "thank you". I can't imagine, being anywhere else, New Orleans hanging with Reggie Bush, but that's another story....Wink. I'm thankful. Sometimes we can start thinking too hard and end up depressing ourselves thinking we could have had it better. You having it the way you supposed if you choose to go off your path, that's your fault. But guess what, as long as you breathing, you still have a chance to redeem everything that you wholeheartedly believe in. Me, I believe in first God, myself and my family. I will fight for all these causing and in the end, I will stand tall. I will.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Series of The Needs of a Woman

hi all! been out of commission for a minute, but i have been thinking a lot of things through and i realized until i get things in order in my own life, how can i help others. So i found a list of the Five Needs of a Woman and I'm going to put them in series.

1. Affection The one things a woman cannot do without is
-security, comfort and approval.

She looks for these things in a mate but the man that i realized we need to find these things in is God and then yourself. How will a woman know her self-worth if she don't value herself more than others do?

Look for the other four Needs of a Woman in this week to come. Stay blessed and Love ya!