Saturday, March 19, 2011


Goodmorning! I woke up today with so much happiness....and a headache, but that's okay too! Lately I have been figuring out whats important to me and I'm extremely thankful for those special people in my life! But I know that without the help of God, I would be lost so first and foremost I first give honor to Him. A friend told me, that we are not perfect and even when we falter, we repent and is forgiven. Thanks Nita. Another friend, who i may add, helps me in every aspect of my life, pushes me, even when I don't want to..Thanks Kay. Then there's that friend who speaks it and that is it, only cause she truly care about you and don't want to see you hurt...Thanks Tink. But most of all I'm thankful for those people who have been in my life through it all! My mom, dad, sisters, brothers (where ever they butts may be lol) husband and my kiddies, shoot even my dogs! I love you all and I'm glad ya'll are in my world.

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