Sunday, August 29, 2010


hey again. a friend asked me if i blog about marriage. couldn't remember if i did or didn't but i will now. i had to search for the right thing to say and look within my own marriage to give truth and my own experience. i have never said i was perfect and we always joke that it takes a strong person to deal with us, well for me, it does. so here is a scripture i hope will help some...

It's better to have a partner than go it alone
Share the work, share the wealth
And if one falls down, the other helps,
But if there's no one to help, tough!
Two in a bed warm each other.
Alone, you shiver all night.
By yourself, you're unprotected
With a friend (spouse) you can face the worst.
Can you round up a third?
A three-stranded rope isn't easily snapped.
Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

I took it that the three stranded rope is God, Husband and Wife.
Hold onto that person who has and always will be there. If i had to struggle and go through the things i have, God couldn't have picked a better man. I love my husband and i know for a fact that he loves me too. through thick and thin. believe me, we are living that! love you Karen, hope you like this!

hey all! been busy but just wanted to say hiya to all! i'm excited about the month of october! got things planned with the women's ministry at church to help promote breast cancer awareness. i had a scare three years ago and when you go through different things in life in so many aspects, you learn to live and appreciate the things that has been given to you. so, don't go looking at someone else's life and think that yours is worthless. everyone has a value on their life and i have learned to value mine to a high degree. love to you all!!!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

just a pic of a happy time

just wanted to post a pic of one of my fave nieces celebrating her sweet sixteen. she is so sweet and talented. trying to keep the boys at bay so they wont break her heart too soon. Love you tia!!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Random Thought

For some reason, i was in bed but felt the need to i got up out of that warm bed, started this computer up and sat down. A lot of times, i find myself sooo deep in thought and start thinking...."what if". I need to watch myself with that question. God may find a way for me to stop asking and i'm too scared to see what way he will do. But instead, i will focus on the good in my life....when i need someone to talk to and even though i didn't ask them, God sent me a person i had done wrong in my own way and they just made me feel better about my situation. they know who they thank you *wink* So i will leave you with a scripture that if you have this one small would be soo much more simple. Don't have it in man, have it in God.


Trust God from the bottom of your heart, don't try to figure everything out on your own. Prov. 3:5

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A Day to Myself

Hey Peeps!!

Hope all is well with everyone. I've been working hard and hadn't been on in a minute but just to enlighten you all with a few passages and words that sometimes help me through the day.

We must learn to thank God for who we are. Don't be a silly woman watching television and crying because she doesn't look like the girl who opened up the window in the game show. If God had you to look like that. He would made you like that.

Marriage is a ministry. There is much more involved in it than selfish fulfillment. Love is centered around giving, not taking. When you marry someone, you marry everything he is and everything he has been.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Time is Flying

hey all!!!

Can you believe it's almost two days till school start!! My kids are excited and I'm semi not ready! lol!! I will get back into the swing of things when my body get used to to you. Here is something to leave all you beautiful women with...God gave you the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit that is more valuable than any other outer form of jewelry. It is worth more than gold. It is more powerful than sexual ability!