Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Back On the Grind

Hey everyone!

Hope all your weekends were fun. Me, well I mostly relaxed because..........there wasn't anything else to do. Today I went back to work and must I say, I'm tired!! But a sista will not complain. To work, means to make money and the only way you can buy things is just with that, MONEY!! So now I'm gonna lie down and get some good night sleep, because I have to do today all over again tomorrow. I love you all who read my blog and I thank you. Hopefully I will be able to bring more to you as time goes on. Be blessed :)

Friday, July 23, 2010

Another Week and Another Chance at Life

Hey all!!

Hope everyone week went good and hope you all look forward to having a fun weekend! Not too many more days left in the summer before school starts...no kidding, I love my kiddies but they ran me this summer. I'm living my life to the fullest because I know I have been giving chance after chance. One thing I learned recently is God sees us as ungrateful when we tend to grumble and complain...let me hold my tongue more huh!? lol. But hey we are humans! So let me leave you with a little word of encouragement for the weekend.... Strong words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless{Mother Teresa} Love to you all and MUAH!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Making Wrongs Right

Hey All,

Had planned to walk 3 miles with my sister today, but she decided to pass at 5:30 this morning via text. That's okay, I'm gonna run her hard tomorrow lol! Today I was on twitter saying how I would right all those that I wronged, even if I really didn't. Why am I so good at trying to make things right with people, hope it don't make me a punk! LOL!! I have something that I read that made me right my wrongs and I'm gonna share them with you all. Love to you all that reads my blog and MUAH!!!

9 Ways to Grow Spiritual Truth

1. plant seeds of love
2. plant seeds of joy
3. plant seeds of peace
4. plant seeds of patience
5. plant seeds of kindness
6. plant seeds of goodness
7. plant seeds of faithfulness
8. plant seeds of gentleness
9. plant seeds of self control

Words by Stormie Omartian

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Goodmorning all!!

As i woke up this morning i had a good feeling about my day. I'm claiming my life again and it feels wonderful. God gives me tasks to go through in order for me to know how big and significant His power really is. I'm hoping as the time goes by that I will become more open to things and we all will be able to help each other. Sometimes the hardest thing for one to do is to look deep into themselves and realize their faults and take the time to correct them. Enjoy your day and live you life to the best of your ability! Love to all!

Monday, July 19, 2010

A Day in the Life of Me: View all Memphis events on Eventful

A Day in the Life of Me: View all Memphis events on Eventful: "View all Memphis events on Eventful"

Demand Kourtney and Khloe in Memphis!
Kourtney and Khloe in Memphis - Learn more about this Eventful Demand

View all Memphis events on Eventful

My first day

Hi All!!
welcome to my page. i hope not to bore you too much, just starting out. i will try my best to give you a day by day account on the ups and downs that we as women face everyday. so to all the mothers, sisters, wives and friends. i hope to relate to you (which im sure i will) and help you as you help me at the same time. love to all. MUAH